“Creating Empowering & Sustainable Programs for Adults with Intellectual and Physical Disablilities”

Quincea believes everyone has a purpose.
Our organization is comprised of the friends and family members of adults with intellectual and physical disabilities. We recognize the profound impact for good that their presence has had in creating the core values that shape and direct our lives. Quincea was formed and dedicated to serving the needs of these adults through the creation of environments and opportunities for safe and fulfilling post-high school life experiences.
Quincea is located at:
Mountain View Church
8050 E Mountain View Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85258We are licensed by the Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Developmental Disabilities to provide “Home and Community-Based Services” to these individuals. Quincea operates an “adult day program” in Scottsdale, Arizona as part of these services.
We are also committed to continuing our in-depth research of existing nonprofit models for the purpose of creating innovative solutions to the pressing need for quality housing, expanded participation within their communities, and the establishment of volunteer and/or job options that confirm their self-worth.
Quivira is the name given by Coronado to the mythical “Seven Cities of Gold” for which he searched. It represents our belief that we will provide an environment that provides “golden” opportunities. “CEA” is the acronym for “controlled environmental agriculture.” We are incorporating horticultural and animal husbandry activities into our program model. Our research of more than 200 nonprofits has confirmed that acting as a caregiver, whether for plants or animals, consistently produces enormous physical and mental benefits. And so, “QUINCEA” is working on turning “green care” into “gold lives”.
We invite you to join us on this rewarding journey.
“I am different, but not less.”
Temple Grandin