“Our foundation is built on Social Enterprise Ventures”
About Us.
Quincea began as a coalition of individuals seeking innovative solutions to the pressing need for quality social services within Arizona. Within our ranks, you will find community leaders, parents, and guardians of individuals who may be developmentally disabled, experienced service providers, veterans, and successful entrepreneurs.
We began our journey with research. More than 200 social service agencies were analyzed to find the most innovative nonprofit models. We needed to understand how these agencies delivered their services, measure the impact of those services on their program participants, and then provide for the growth and sustainability of the agency.
Quincea has designed a service curriculum that seeks to identify each participant’s aspirations and talents, provide the training to build those talents, and create opportunities to use them. We strive to foster socialization, strengthen self-esteem, and build self-confidence. We believe that every individual wants to be a vital member of their community.
We focused our research on identifying entrepreneurial solutions which could be implemented to increase the quantity and quality of our services while decreasing our dependency on government funding. Our goal is to use successful business practices to improve lives, generate related revenues, grow our agency, and move towards becoming 90% self-funded through social enterprise activities.
our staff
Our staff members are committed to assisting every program participant find and develop their individual passions and talents through education, vocational training, employment services and social engagement.
our board
Quincea is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors dedicated to identifying, designing and implementing quality programs for our participants which are sustainable through a foundation of diverse social enterprise ventures.
our partners
Quincea gratefully acknowledges those agencies whose assistance has enabled us to research numerous innovative nonprofit models, design empowering service curriculums, and identify entrepreneurial social enterprise solutions to enhance and sustain our program.